Just some fuel for your Monday motivation. The majority is always wrong! Were this not the case the 80/20 Pareto law wouldnt hold true and the majority of us would be happy and healthy not the minority. Mark Twain famously said “whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority it’s time to pause and reflect!” Clearly following the majority rules as it relates to our food isn’t working. See the graph below and remind ourselves that prior to these guidelines everyone got their nutrition advice from the doctor. We stripped fiber from our foods and continue to go cheaper and more processed!
The Cut Community
After age 35 we have a belief that our metabolism slows down…. Except it’s a fallacy.
What’s really happening?
-after age 30 if we don’t use it we lose it when it comes to muscle. And at 1-2% a year. After a decade that’s 10-20% muscle loss and that’s the foundation on which our metabolism is based. Keep your muscle or build it back and u will require and burn more calories each day.
-alcohol is a metabolism killer and more and more so as we age.
-as we get busier we sleep less, stress more, and eat crap food on the go that is high calorie,high added or artificial sugar, low fiber, and loaded with synthetic ingredients
Don’t believe the hype that your slowing down. Instead build back the habits of our ancestors and your youth!
My moto is: “I’d rather be the old lady at the gym instead of the youngest in the nursing home!!!
Badass Friend Status
- Darlene Litteral
I would encourage everyone to check out “food babe” on Facebook. She is waging war against the American food industry, especially companies/foods that are marketed towards children. She highlights what’s in food today compared to years ago, and also compared to those same foods in other countries. For instance, the American version of Kelloggs fruit loops are full of artificial dyes and BHT while the Canadian version is dye and BHT free. Why??!! Her goal is to hold these companies accountable and bring this important issue to light. She is very passionate about her fight and I love what she’s fighting for!!